Twitter (TWTR) - Indicators Show Spike Potential
Currently our technical indicators are showing that between Friday, May 29, 2020 and Friday, June 5th a potential for a significant gain in Twitter (TWTR). The TWTR $31 Calls expiring June 5th we at .93 cents on Friday. We anticipate a 30%+ return to happen. We will update the blog as appropriate. President Trump is unhappy with Twitter according to news reports and France has stated Twitter is very welcomed to move to Paris!
Last Friday we said TWTR was setup to spike at .93 cents. Today, Wednesday, June 3, 2020 it hit $2.04 for a return of 119%. Our newly developed paradigm based on new market/economic conditions is working!
After a surprise jobs report Friday our blog on TWTR jumped to a return of over 300%.
Thanks to all our subscribers and followers!