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Do Morningstar Ratings Work?

In a very interesting article, today in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), it is suggested that the coveted Morningstar ratings, relied upon by thousands of money managers, investment companies and individuals may not be performing as anticipated.

There's about $16 trillion invested in mutual funds, by thousands of professionals and novices around the globe. Those people have relied upon the number of stars awarded to a mutual fund by Morningstar to guide them with the investment of trillions!

Now we've all read that past performance is not an indicator of future results - it is a guide in Morningstar's defense. We would love to hear from anyone that can point Optik Options to any mutual fund, stock or option service - be it an alert/news service or a financial advisor - that is up over 700% YTD. We have looked and we can't find any.

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