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Large Daily Swings - The New Norm?

Markets have been very volatile this year. With the large run up in the markets from November 2016 to December 2017 the new and frequent daily swings we are seeing may in fact be the new normal and represent a new opportunity. We have been examining and test a new paradigm that involves more frequent trades of a short duration and returns of 10% to 20%. But if we can successfully implement such a plan that works 90% of the time and with 10-15 alerts per month we are looking at 80%+ returns per month. We are near completion of our analysis and may start implementation soon. Please keep posted.

More than five months into 2018, Wall Street has made essentially no progress over where it ended 2017, with major indexes holding at roughly break-even levels for the year. Investor sentient is jumping all over since we witnesses a January high we've had two serious swings in the market. We fail to see any reasons for the market to run up uncontrollably but we do see reasons brewing for pullbacks. Therefore, we are predicting a mainly sideways market for the remainder of the year and see the S&P flat by year end from where it opened the year.

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